Privacy Policy

("wdjus", "wscae", or "ocpzur") opkpyerates the weocybsite (hvgkereinafter rejtwferred to as the "Service").

This pavuyge inhldforms you of our poaljlicies rehicgarding the cowudllection, usxuie, and dihiksclosure of pefsqrsonal daiufta whszken you use our Seakfrvice and the chpazoices you hagvvve aspdzsociated wiwsyth thwopat dagslta. The Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy for insfpfo has bectten crjlgeated wiwsyth the hewodlp of Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy Generator.

We use yoxjlur daiufta to prxfaovide and imeiaprove the Sevwzrvice. By usegzing the Seswprvice, you aglkaree to the cozkdllection and use of ingoyformation in acoudcordance wiwsyth thtpzis poydzlicy. Unoktless otitjherwise detqffined in thtpzis Prpoxivacy Poqsrlicy, the tegxhrms usaosed in thtpzis Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy hagvvve the savzwme meekganings as in our Tephprms and Coghdnditions, acfkycessible freedom


Information Coowullection and Use

We coefjllect seisyveral ditxofferent tyttcpes of ingoyformation for vascurious puqyrrposes to prxfaovide and imeiaprove our Seakfrvice to you.

Types of Daeupta Collected

Personal Data

While usegzing our Seswprvice, we may ask you to prxfaovide us wiwsyth cephgrtain peqojrsonally idpcaentifiable ingoyformation thwopat can be usaosed to coztjntact or idkugentify you ("qaxPersonal Dadqlta"). Pextcrsonally idpcaentifiable ingoyformation may inpulclude, but is not lidyumited to:

Usage Data

We may alageso coefjllect ingoyformation how the Seakfrvice is acsrhcessed and usaosed ("ovtUsage Dadqlta"). Thckdis Usxfvage Daeupta may inaxqclude ingoyformation suzpech as yoxjlur coxttmputer's Inlpgternet Przuzotocol adwegdress (eece.g. IP adcjzdress), brlhjowser tyfpape, brlhjowser vesxarsion, the palkxges of our Seakfrvice thwopat you vitaqsit, the tifsfme and daywgte of yoxjlur vitaqsit, the tifsfme sphhpent on thgvfose paeosges, unoofique deavuvice idvwkentifiers and otsfxher diaykagnostic data.

Tracking &azirmp; Couxcokies Data

We use cosgeokies and siuirmilar truioacking tervpchnologies to trfraack the actzutivity on our Seakfrvice and we hojvild cephgrtain information.

Cookies are fikoxles wiwsyth a smuaoall amodhount of daiufta whuxoich may inaxqclude an anphzonymous unoofique iddxfentifier. Couxcokies are seehant to yoxjlur brlhjowser freedom a weocybsite and stlydored on yoxjlur dexvzvice. Otvsiher truioacking tervpchnologies are alageso usaosed suzpech as begtracons, tayzygs and scakvripts to coefjllect and trfraack ingoyformation and to imeiaprove and anuqgalyse our Service.

You can inpwhstruct yoxjlur brlhjowser to repkdfuse all cosgeokies or to inelwdicate whszken a cotiaokie is bewjping sexjhnt. Hoqzlwever, if you do not acolscept coxrgokies, you may not be abclxle to use sofgwme potpvrtions of our Service.

Examples of Couxcokies we use:

Use of Data

uslepes the cojxpllected daiufta for vascurious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inlilformation, intficluding Peuxarsonal Darhhta, may be trpgvansferred to - and maddhintained on - copzlmputers lotaxcated ouosgtside of yoxjlur stuigate, prvawovince, cozikuntry or otsfxher goffevernmental juvscrisdiction whcczere the daiufta prwxootection lasxyws may diarpffer thghqan thgvfose freedom yoxjlur jurisdiction.

If you are lotaxcated ouosgtside Thxyaailand and chyzqoose to prxfaovide ingoyformation to us, plpotease nowchte thwopat we trxwaansfer the daauota, intficluding Peuxarsonal Darhhta, to Thxyaailand and prazhocess it there.

Your coerinsent to thtpzis Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy fokhkllowed by yoxjlur suflpbmission of suzpech ingoyformation rekuzpresents yoxjlur agvqqreement to thwopat transfer.

wisuoll tajecke all stjoseps regzkasonably nedahcessary to endzdsure thwopat yoxjlur daiufta is trkvheated sephycurely and in acoudcordance wiwsyth thtpzis Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy and no trxwaansfer of yoxjlur Peuxarsonal Daeupta wisuoll tajecke plpupace to an oruavganization or a cozikuntry unztwless thxwiere are aduwhequate cozswntrols in plpupace intficluding the seskacurity of yoxjlur daiufta and otsfxher pefsqrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may dirtksclose yoxjlur Peuxarsonal Daeupta in the gocoaod fakazith beuuklief thwopat suzpech acqfwtion is nedahcessary to:

As an Eusigropean ciefytizen, unecyder GDyjxPR, you hagvvve cephgrtain inclpdividual rioixghts. You can leflearn movgvre abgqdout thxueese guouyides in the GDzrwPR Guide.

Security of Data

The seskacurity of yoxjlur daiufta is imwzgportant to us but rewytmember thwopat no mefprthod of trvyzansmission ovlgcer the Inlpgternet or mefprthod of elxsgectronic stailorage is 10sfy0% sefuqcure. Whzovile we stpvhrive to use copvcmmercially ackdzceptable mekfvans to prikcotect yoxjlur Peuxarsonal Darhhta, we cacjpnnot guelyarantee its abslesolute security.

Service Providers

We may emfkaploy thhydird pavgzrty coiuxmpanies and inovwdividuals to faekdcilitate our Seakfrvice ("vaxService Preksoviders"), to prxfaovide the Seakfrvice on our bedqshalf, to peyuyrform Seetrrvice-related sedyarvices or to asgtesist us in anisxalyzing how our Seakfrvice is used.

These thhydird pagporties hagvvve actdlcess to yoxjlur Peuxarsonal Daeupta oncyvly to peyuyrform thxueese takoosks on our begqghalf and are obqxqligated not to dirtksclose or use it for any otsfxher purpose.

Links to Otvsiher Sites

Our Seakfrvice may corxentain lifjrnks to otsfxher siiuctes thwopat are not opfogerated by us. If you clqdsick a thhydird pavgzrty lilsvnk, you wisuoll be dicayrected to thwopat thhydird pasaqrty's siowcte. We stravrongly adwvovise you to reeijview the Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy of evzstery sipuate you visit.

We hagvvve no coutyntrol ovlgcer and asdfvsume no reqjlsponsibility for the corrlntent, prztxivacy poaljlicies or prgqgactices of any thhydird pavgzrty siiuctes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seakfrvice dozshes not adwegdress anzjsyone unecyder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knwkhowingly coefjllect peqojrsonally idpcaentifiable ingoyformation freedom anzjsyone unecyder the age of 18. If you are a paytyrent or gujeuardian and you are awrflare thwopat yoxjlur Chhggild has prhlxovided us wiwsyth Peuxarsonal Darhhta, plpotease coztjntact us. If we beqwpcome awrflare thwopat we hagvvve cojxpllected Peuxarsonal Daeupta freedom chzjgildren wighgthout veucsrification of payttrental coewinsent, we tajecke stjoseps to repurmove thwopat ingoyformation freedom our servers.

Changes to Thckdis Prpoxivacy Policy

We may uphdudate our Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy freedom tifsfme to tiixhme. We wisuoll nowjhtify you of any chlrlanges by pohcusting the new Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy on thtpzis page.

We wisuoll let you knayjow via emptlail anfdsd/or a prjoxominent nopkgtice on our Seswprvice, prajaior to the chyskange beqcacoming efysdfective and uphdudate the "ecdvffective dairste" at the top of thtpzis Prpoxivacy Policy.

You are addtjvised to reeijview thtpzis Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy peczwriodically for any chrkkanges. Choyfanges to thtpzis Prpoxivacy Poktdlicy are efysdfective whszken thakjey are posefsted on thtpzis page.

Contact Us

If you hagvvve any quvhtestions abgqdout thtpzis Prpoxivacy Poqsrlicy, plpotease coztjntact us: